

In St. Cománs Wood we are lucky to have great relationships with different sports agencies and local clubs.

Coaches come in from Creggs Rugby Club and train our students over a number of weeks in tag rugby and we get to participate in a blitz!

Our senior students completed the ‘Cycle Right Course’ organised by Roscommon Sports Partnership. It was a very enjoyable and informative course.

We also have great access to coaches from local GAA clubs and Roscommon GAA. Our students have received training in both hurling and football, where they learned and practised new skills.

Committee Members '23-'24

We have a wonderful committee made up of students from 2nd to 6th class. The students have held regular meetings, shared ideas and have been a great help in organising many events and completing tasks throughout the year.

We also have wonderful playground leaders from our senior classes, who have helped complete tasks such as active lines and lead games and activities.


Slogan Winners

Well done to Meadhbh, Arthur and Sadhbh in Ms. Glynn’s 3rd class .ho won our slogan competition with

“Be Active, Be Fit, Come On Everyone. Do your Bit”.